Gospel Reflection
5As some of the disciples were remarking how the temple was adorned with beautiful stones and consecrated gifts, Jesus said, 6“As for what you see here, the time will come when not one stone will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.”
7“Teacher,” they asked, “when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that they are about to take place?”
8Jesus answered, “See to it that you are not deceived. For many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am He,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them. 9When you hear of wars and rebellions, do not be alarmed. These things must happen first, but the end is not imminent.”
For the Jews the temple was the symbol of God’s blessing and presence. The temple, built by Herod the Great was one of the most beautiful buildings the world had ever seen. It was the Third Temple, the first being built by Solomon (BC 1012) the Second by Zerubbabel (BC 520) and now the Third by Herod the Great.(BC 20)
It must have been a shocking statement to hear, when so much of their history and the future messianic hope of Jerusalem was tied to the temple. For the one who was known to be the Messiah to say – “not one stone will be left on another” It was like saying “ everything that you have worked for and put your hearts into as a nation, will be destroyed.” In Ad 70 the Romans destroyed the Temple and today an Islamic Mosque stands on the site. The site of three Temples of the Jews, and a 1000 years of their History was centered there.
But here Jesus is saying “that’s not the end!”
If the destruction of the central feature of Judaism is not the end, then Jesus being the fulfilment of the law takes on a whole new meaning. But moreover, it is a reminder that the things that we build our lives, our religion, and our hope in, are temporal. The permanent, lasting and true hope lies not in the works of our hands, but in the God of heaven who cannot be contained, cannot be built up and broken down, but is the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the end the creator and sustainer of all things.
What have you built your life on, and in what ways has life destroyed that? Fear not, Jesus is saying that your life is secure, these things must happen! Why they must happen is beyond our understanding, why we live under constant threat in our lives, is unfathomable, but Jesus calls us to trust Him.
Our lives in 2021, are very far from what we thought they would be. Hardship, poverty and violence is on the increase! As we engage with the 16 days of activism against violence against women and children, we are reminded about just what a violent and broken society we live in. The recent Municipal elections were a reminder of just how divided we are as a society. Unemployment is up, COP 26 showed poor results in achieving positive steps to address the Climate Change issues, Exploration Drilling is threatening our Coastline and the 4th Wave of COVID 19 is already being experienced overseas and looks set to come our way in December. And into all of that Jesus says, “it is not the end.” “Do not be alarmed, these things must come; just stay focused on Jesus Christ the Son of God.” You do not need what you thought you needed for God to bless you and be with you and sustain you.
Do not lose heart! Put effort into everything you do every day and do your best. Focus on the many blessing that you have received and are still receiving. The world can break down everything that has been built up over generations in your life, but God remains faithful. Don’t look at what is lost, look at what you have been given. Salvation, a gift that nothing can destroy.
Therefore, go into today with a song on your heart and a smile on your face. Jesus is the King of King’s and his Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, built with living stones. We are those living stones and are much more glorious than the ones adorning Herod’s temple.
May God fill you with hope and joy as you trust in him today. There is no other saviour that you should be seeking, do not put your trust in anyone else. You are purchased by the Son of God, you are loved by the Son of God and our God is faithful and he will not fail you.
Let us pray.
Thank you, Father, that we are not dependent on the things of the earth. It is not our achievements that we need to rely on, but your mercy and grace. Fill us this day with hope so that we can endure the challenges of our time and in the end, reign with you victoriously. Amen.