Archdeaconry Circular

Archdeaconry Circular 26 November 2021

Grace and Peace to you from God our Father and His Son Jesus Christ. May we all walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and may God’s divine presence be manifest among us and through us.
I do pray that as we go into Advent this weekend, that we will all give ourselves to following the “star” that leads to the revelation of God among us. That we will all reorder our lives and receive new direction, so that we can see Jesus. The enemy is indeed prowling like a roaring lion seeking to devour us (1 Peter 5:8); but we know that no weapon formed against us will prevail (Isaiah 54:7). Therefore, we go into this new liturgical year with confidence that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom. (Proverbs 9:10).

May our life of witness to the truth of our Saviour be that star. May our Churches and our discipleship, be that star. May the grace that we share and the hope that we profess, be a star to the communities we serve, and may our lives together as the people of God, the fellowship of believers, be that star that leads people to Jesus.

Please continue to uphold Revd Luthuli in prayer. As we pray for his healing, we pray for peace for Lindiwe and his family and for their wellbeing. Sipho is in Entabeni Hospital Rehabilitation Centre.

  1. Clergy Forum
    You have received, via email, an invitation to a meeting with Bishop Ndwandwe on the 3rd at 09h00 at St Barnabas Bluff. This is a critical meeting and it is important that you attend. Please confirm attendance with the Bishop’s office and me. We will be joined by the clergy of eThekwini Central and Umzimkulu Archdeaconries.
  2. Insurance
    You have received your Insurance Schedules. Please study them carefully and make sure that you have adequate cover. The contents of the accommodation of all Clergy must be covered by your insurance. Sound Systems and computers need to be separately insured. The review of these policies is critical and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask, I will also review all of your policies to assist you, but the Exco of every parish must take responsibility and then Pay for the insurance. The full amount is due in January, and I encourage parishes wherever possible to pay upfront. Many Parishes also have insurance arrears, but I will write individually to each parish in that regard.
  3. Assessments
    I am pleased with the discussions that are taking place to address the Assessment
    arrears. I remind you that we have all received money out of the Central Fund and
    received the renumeration that comes from the Assessments. This is money that we have
    received but not paid into. It is true debt, because the Stipends of all our clergy have
    been paid every month, despite contributions towards that not been received in full. As
    we see increased attendance and start to recover from 2020/2021; paying these arrears
    is a priority. Thank you to those Parishes that have been faithful in paying the
  4. Diocesan Council
    Please pray for the Diocesan Council as it meets tomorrow (27Th) the Budget will be

    Let us be unwavering in our devotion to Christ. Let us not tire of doing good and let us be of
    good courage.

    My I end with St James exhortation to the Church (James 3: 16-18)
    For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every evil practice. But the wisdom from above is first of all pure, then peace-loving, gentle, accommodating, full of
    mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap the fruit of

    Be assured of my love and prayers as we continue to sow in peace and reap the fruit of

    Yours in the service of Christ
    Love and Peace – Andrew.

    Revd. Andrew Manning.
    Be curious, be present and re-imagine

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