Archdeaconry Circular

Archdeaconry Circular 29 October 2021

The Lord be with you.

  1. Elections
    We continue to uphold our country and communities in prayer for peaceful elections.
  2. Clergy Forum
    2 November at 10h00 at St Mary’s Kingsburgh
    We will begin with a Eucharist.

    • Diocesan Council Feedback:
    • Discussion on grief counselling and a
    • Review of Draft Budget.
  3. Archdeaconry Executive
    The Executive will meet on Zoom on the 4th November at 18h30.

    • Budget 2022
    • Financial Reporting
    • Property Issues
  4. Archdeaconry Council
    We will meet at 18h30 on the 18th November at Woodlands (St Etheldreda) to discuss the budget and give feedback from Diocesan Council. Please send any queries you have as soon as possible so that we can try to get answers from the Diocesan’s Secretary and ensure constructive discussion.

    • Compliance
    • Financial Reporting
    • Property Issues
    • Budget 2022
  5. Review of Financial situation
    Congratulations to Woodlands who have done a very detailed review of their
    income and learned a great deal from the exercise.

    I encourage you all to:
    • Determine the number of people on your Parish Roll.
    • Do you know how many pensioners, how many unemployed, how many
    students you have on your parish Roll?
    • How many are on your Dedicated giving System?
    • What would the value of your income be if everyone gave what they
    committed to?
    • How much do the top 10 or 20 (if your parish has more than 500 people)
    • How much do the bottom ten or 20 give?
    • what is the amount that most people pledge?
    • If your whole congregation gave that amount what would your income
    • How many give by EFT
    • How many give by Envelope
    • What percentage of your income is Pledge, and what special appeals,
    and what loose plate?

    We would love to discuss and compare this analysis with each other on the 18th.
    Stewardship is not just about the Biblical imperative to give to the work of God.
    However, I must say that we could do better in preaching about money. I am
    encouraging the Clergy to write a sermon on Stewardship, and we will share notes
    and help each other and learn from each other to do a sound work on the subject.
    The Stewardship Committee is also working on this as there are some lay people with
    very good thoughts on the subject.

    In any business, Budget time is stressful. Money is a complex subject. So, I ask you to be
    patient with each other, use your diverse experience to support each other. Respect
    each other’s points of view. But at the end of the day – we need a reasonable and
    forward thinking and committed contribution to the budget.

    I again appeal to every parish Council to produce a real summary of expected
    expenses, not just what you can pay for but what needs to be done. That Million Rand
    roof repair, that new car that’s needed, that extra staff to make the mission work.
    Draw up a what we’d like to do budget too. If you don’t have dreams and visions,
    then we are not doing what God requires of us. Too many things never happen
    because we don’t know how we will pay for them, so we give up on the vision for
    God’s church, we give up on growth, we give up on doing our best for God.
    Be of good courage! Let’s be good stewards of what God has given us.

    In conclusion.
    My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, leadership is always stressful and, in these times
    when we have so much uncertainty, in our lives at work, at home, and at church, we
    need to be patient with each other. As Executive Councils revisit your expectations of
    each other and voice the challenge that you have. Make space to receive ministry
    from each other, as leaders we are always giving, always looking after everyone else.
    Compassion fatigue is a real thing. Burn out is a real thing. Be courageous and reach
    out, get help. Care of our leadership teams is a very important aspect of our lives
    together. Leaders are at high risk. Don’t be a casualty!

    Be assured of my love and prayers.
    Love and Peace.
    Fr. Andrew Manning

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