Church Chatter · In other news.

Confirmation Sunday

I write this post today, from the perspective of being one of the confirmation candidates.  Even though I was confirmed before, at the Dutch Reformed Church, and it was a really, really … long time ago, I felt the need to experience the confirmation class again, and be confirmed in the Anglican Church.

This past Sunday, 7 confirmation candidates were confirmed at The Church of the Good Shepherd.

Bishop Tsietsi conducted the service, with a rich mix of Zulu and English liturgy and hymns. And was assisted by Revd Peta and Fr. Andrew.

For many years, I did not feel at home in church, first at the Dutch Reformed Church and then in the Methodist Church. 

It was only when I started attending the services at St Mary’s Anglican Church, that I felt I had “come home”, from the very first service. Everyone was very welcoming and friendly, and I could really feel the Spirit moving within the St Mary’s community, which I never felt anywhere else.

Now, I have to say, that when I first started going to the services, I was really confused. With all the different books that we use, and when to sit, when to kneel, when to stand, when to respond, can we throw our hands up in the air in abandon? Why is the Priest, wearing those clothes? What is with the candles? And why do they do those things during communion etc. The list of questions and what confused me was long!

That was my main reason for attending the confirmation class, with the youth.

It turns out, that this was the best decision I could have made. With learning all about the church, our sacraments, our faith and our Christian responsibilities. Confirmation preparation helped me to have a proper understanding of how to live as a follower of Christ. And sparked a thirst for more.

By more, I mean that, I want to explore ministry as far as Christ allows me to do so. I am looking forward to continuing this journey with God and with my Spiritual Friend and also my Church Community. All of you have played an important role in my Spiritual Growth, and I thank you for that.

I encourage all of you! Young and matured! To think about taking part in the Confirmation classes next year, even if you don’t get confirmed again. To remember things you may have forgotten, or possibly learn something new, or even rekindle the spirit within yourself.

If confirmation class is not your cup of tea, then please look out for other events during 2019, and there are many. And take part in the learning experience.

A big thank you to Fr. Andrew, for your dedication to teaching us throughout this year, and answering millions of questions. And a big thank you to everyone that helped during the service and bringing eats.

Your Sister in Christ


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