Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea. —Psalm 46:2
My personality type tends toward worry and fear more than most. Maybe that is the reason I love the Bible passages where Jesus tells people, “Do not be afraid.” I could use that reminder pretty much every day of my life, and even more so now that I have son and my heart is walking around outside of myself.
In him.
I would love to get to a place where I could say as confidently as the psalmist that I will not fear a virus anymore, or the effects of our country’s shutdown on our mental, social, and economic health, or how much more life on earth will be lost due to climate change, etc.
I am not there yet, but I do think there is something to the fake-it-till-you-make-it philosophy. I assume I will continue to worry, but I want to choose intentionally to act out of trust rather than fear, even if I am not feeling particularly trusting. My prayer is that in consciously acting with hope and
confidence in God, those traits will grow in me. Then, as I practice trusting more, I will project more trust and hope to my family and others who might also be tempted to live in worry and fear.
What are you fearful about?
Take some time now to pray that God removes your fear or gives you grace to act with trust despite the fear.