“In all things we are more than Conquerors, through Him who loves us” (Rom 8:37).
The Lord is King and He reigns!
Some weeks are more encouraging than others. It is not dependent on the troubles that you face, encouragement is not just a sense of wellbeing, but a sense of God’s presence in every circumstance, every emotion every event. It is not surprising to me that we use the word “courage” as the heart of positivity – en-courage or negativity dis-courage. We are motivated by a sense of being able to endure, and we endure when we operate in the strength of God. 2 Cor 12:10 says:’ for when I am weak then I am strong,’ St Paul says – when I acknowledge that I need God to make it possible when I cannot do it in my own strength, then I am strong. In God we can do valiantly says the psalmist. (Psalm 60:12).
I have the overwhelming sense that God is doing something that will change our lives dramatically. That He is calling us to cross the river and enter a new phase, a new chapter of life in Christ. So, I plead with you to be fervent in prayer. May we like the people of Goshen sign the cross on our thresholds (I love the imagery of that – the people made a cross on the lintel and the doorframe that they would step through – a statement of in God we trust)!
Will you “gird up your loins” (An ancient way of saying – PULL YOUR SOCKS UP!)
In 1 Peter 1:13 we are encouraged to have minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed. St Peter is building on that great OT theme of girding up your loins. (Job 38, Jer. 1:17, Kings 2:4-9 etc.) pulling up your socks and doing what God requires.
And in the Words of the Prophet Micah (Micah 6:8) What the Lord requires of us is this. “to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
My dear disciples of Christ, if we live by the spirit let us walk with the Spirit (Gal5:25). Let us walk with Jesus doing His will, obeying His command and fulfilling His desire to love the world back to God.
Be of God courage, fight the good fight of faith that you may finish your course with joy, and the blessing of God Almighty, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit be with you all, now and always.