We proclaim Him (Christ) admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. (Col 1:28)
At the end of the day the work of the Church is to present itself to God as the bride of Christ. Scripture teaches us that Jesus is the one who is preparing us. But it is we who desire to be conformed to His likeness and molded by Him to be this bride that is presentable. A battle has always raged as to what we must do and what God does. Our effort and God’s effort in us, how do we respond, react (I love that word – it speaks of acting again – hopefully better than before, to RE-ACT is to respond but we should respond in the love of God and not simply as an action driven by the presenting problem (I digress).
In the Lessons for the 21st of July we will learn that life is about Action and Contemplation. Or Doing and Praying, if we say we will pray about “it” or pray for someone – it has to lead to action. And our action, our activities must be brought back and prayed about, reordered in prayer and in contemplation. Prayer and contemplation means that we participate with God, in whom and with whom and through whom we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28). Participation is the best way to translate the words of the Eucharistic prayer – do this in memory of me (DO this in participation with me!)
In industry there are a host of different meetings that are held to plan, design, assess, monitor, review, and implement any given project. In business there are guidelines to follow and protocol’s and Best Practice to observe. (I once said to a young engineer that if he did his job the way he lived his life he would be fired! Isn’t it strange that we can understand that in things of the world we have to observe the rules the protocols? We have to do it right, but in life we think that we can just do whatever we like and God must be satisfied with it. Perhaps that is why we are having so much trouble in industry, education, government: because we don’t want to follow the rules, we don’t want to comply!) God provides us rules and best practice and protocols by which to live and we need to follow them. (that engineer understood and appreciated what I said and repented – I hope you do too!)
I have been dealing with the worlds chaos this week and seen firsthand what impact our corrupt government and society have had on the poor and the vulnerable. While Judge Zondo asks his questions, and the press debates the answers and everyone is focused on this, people are dying from Cholera and hunger and lack of service delivery, because the money allocated to provide houses, flood relief, schools and services has been squandered. The last floods were a big reminder that there are consequences for our actions here on earth! (I’ll tell you more another time).
This week, after hearing last week’s message about the good Samaritan, I have witnessed firsthand how the Church has walked on the other side of the road, while our wounded perish; and I have seen how the Samaritan’s get looked down upon, abused, ignored. We have some repenting to do, my friends.
In this season of intentional discipleship, I again appeal to you to spend time on your knees asking God where you are being called to serve. I cannot share everything with you at once (To use Jesus words – I have too much to say to you now, but the Holy Spirit will make it clear to you [John 16:12-15]).
I am herewith initiating a Mission Team to spend time praying and working in the community, a practical team doing real things with real people, hurting people. I have aligned a number of things and now we need a TEAM, a devoted missionary group who will offer an hour a week an hour a day, or their everything, to this work. There is field work, support work, intercessory work, something for everyone. It may seem a strange way to go about it – but I am looking for people to sign up to work for God, yes you don’t know what you are going to do yet, but like Israel being asked to leave Egypt who didn’t know where they were going but knew they were going with God, I am looking for people who will say, as for me and my household we will serve the Lord.
“Here I am Lord, is it I Lord, I have heard you calling in the night. I will go Lord if you lead me.” (Daniel L Shutte)
To sign up for the mission team send me a message – “I’M IN” to 082 370 4702 or rector@totianglican.co.za
May God bless you abundantly as you live your life to His praise and Glory!