To the People of God in the Parish of St Mary, Kingsburgh. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and His Son Jesus Christ, our risen Lord. Alleluia.
I thank you all for the prayers for my family over the last two weeks, during our time of illness. Many people have suffered from this “flu” and bronchitis and the road to recovery seems slow, so I ask you to continue to pray for us and all those affected.
I wish to thank you for your generosity to us and for the Easter offering that we received, it is much appreciated. I also wish to thank those that contributed towards Moses’ (our verger) flood relief fund.
At present a few of our leaders are participating in a Mission and Ministry course, together with the Methodist Church, and I am delighted by what we are learning and what we can incorporate into our life together as the People of the God of Mission. On completion of the course we will roll out a revised Ministry Action Plan for the church, built on what we have learned.
I’d like to address one or two issues, with you.
I need to remind you that the church is governed and managed by a Parish Council. These are people that you have elected to run the affairs of the Church and that they now need your support and cooperation. You are accountable to them for the tasks that you fulfil as part of our ministry teams. It is critical that you keep them informed of your ability or inability to perform the said duties that you have signed up for and that you speak to them about things that you would like to do or have done around the church. I am a firm believer that we all have a contribution to make, but this must be made through the proper channels so that we have a cohesive effort.
The Duty Roster for readers and Sides-men is put together by the office and the Wardens oversee its implementation. Therefore if you are unable to do a duty, or wish to change a duty , please inform Vanda ( 082 651 7339 or For the Tea Roster please contact Marjorie on 076 916 7456 or
It is critical that we work together, ensuring that Council is able to fulfill its mandate. I thank you for your cooperation in this regard.
We have ordered the first of the double doors for the hall and it should be installed by the end of the month. Thank you to the dedicated team who do the rummage table at the Lions/St Mary Fair on the first Saturday of every month. This fundraiser has made this possible. Please continue to support it.
The Diocese has given us an R84,000.00 remission on our dated Assessment arrears, which means that we are down to about R50,000.00 from the original R250,000 accumulated from 2013-2017. We must ensure that we continue to keep our assessment up to date, and we have cut costs wherever possible to make sure that we can do this.
May God continue to pour out his abundant blessings upon you.