Grace and peace to you from God our Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
This will be the last combined Rector’s Desk that I write as we enter a new season of our life together and a new council is in place and each Church beings to take its unique place in the Kingdom.
While it may sometimes be confusing, we need to understand that having two different Parishes in one Cluster, provides some interesting challenges and opportunities. The community of Good Shepherd and the community of St Mary, share a common mission to the world and both contribute to our online St Francis Chapel Ministry. But the two communities physically meet in two different places and have their own churchmanship and style. This unique offering is a blessing, but it must be developed and strengthened by the lay leadership.
A Parish must develop its own identity built on the needs, gifts, and circumstances of the specific parish. Unity is not uniformity.
We continue to share resources and a common online platform, but the administration is separate, and the churches are led by two different councils.
In Person worship will take place in both Churches on Sunday’s and Good Shepherd has a Midweek 09h00 Eucharist.
Zoom Morning and Evening prayers remain online and are open to all.
I remind you that there is no VESTRY meeting, but financial reports are available and various other reports will be distributed over the next two weeks.
We have made numerous Lenten Resources available, please check our Website.
I ask you to continue to be vigilant in your COVID precautions and cautious in your actions.
Be assured of my prayers.