From The Rector's Desk

From the Rector’s Desk – 2 January 2020

Happy New Year!

May 2020 be filled with joy, peace, hope and opportunity to serve our God.

It’s the first week of January and we are still on our Christmas Recess.

Next week we will be back to work and school starts, and preparation for Vestries will be in full swing.

So, before the year gets going, take the time to breathe and relax a little and still your hearts. 2019 is behind us and a whole new year of exciting opportunities awaits us.

The Feast of Epiphany (6 January) will be celebrated on the Sunday (5th) and the Season ends on the 2nd of February. The Season focuses on the truth that Christ is manifest to humankind, to the world and to the entire creation. In the readings of the Season we catch a glimpse of the cosmic dimension of the work and achievement of Christ. The scriptures challenge us to reveal the truth through our own lives. (Lectionary)

As we seek to respond to that challenge, we must apply our minds to the leadership for 2020.

I always leave the election of Council to the laity of the Church, without interference from me, but I make this exception to ask you to consider that we have built a good team over the last year and it would be wonderful to go forward and build on the foundation that we laid in 2019. While we would gladly receive new members on Council it would be a blessing if we could maintain the stability of the existing members.

I remind you that it is an election year and the nomination of those candidates is crucial.

Remember they represent the parish and do not go with a mandate from you but need to discern God’s will at the Assembly. Please make sure that we have a full council for 2020, which well represents the members of the Parish.

I look forward to seeing you all next week

God bless!

Fr Andrew

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