From The Rector's Desk

From the Rectors Desk – 29 July 2019

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. (Col 2:6,7 NIV)

My brothers and sisters in Christ, let us truly give thanks to God for every blessing we have received from Him, and may our lives be lived out of that gratitude, for the grace we have received.

Be assured of my prayers for you all.

Our TotiAnglican Mission team is developing with a number of people signing up and offering their talents and their time. Remember it is an open invitation and as you see things develop you are free at any time to send me the “I’M IN” message. I will also be putting out the call for some specific work that we need done, some admin and some research will be the first things to be done.

The Mission teams first task is to pray daily for a specific aspect of mission and to seek God’s direction for us as His people. We are starting a conversation around these issues. God will use the teams experience, personal desires, their study, and their willingness,  to shape our ministry to the world. The first parish Quiet Day (14 September) and a rethink of our Ministry team is already in the planning phase.

I ask for your prayers as I minister at St James Isipingo this Sunday at their Patronal Festival and at St Steven’s Woodlands on Wednesday, where they are running a Mission Week.

On Tuesday 23rd the Archdeaconry Council met and a training session for all councilors was facilitated. This prompted us to review a number of our practices and will result in some changes to how we communicate and organize ourselves.

I have had a few meetings which I believe are opening the way to some very positive “ministry to the World” and as we take our rightful (God given) space in society may we have the impact on the world that God desires us to have. I repeat, the Church is the only organization that has any reason to speak a message of hope – God is reconciling the world to Himself and that is Good News.”

The Baseline Study (an assessment of the details of the problem) on the situation with the Plastics Pollution is already yielding some interesting results and we are developing plans to address this crucial issue.

We are in discussion to strengthen the relationship between the Methodist churches and us and this is an exciting new chapter in our lives.

As some of you are aware, I was nominated for an award for the work that I am doing in the community.  This is an affirmation for me that what we are doing is valued. I really appreciate this as I need to know that I have a community behind me, supporting our efforts (I do it for God and for us, but I am human and sometimes I worry that I am alone taking on the world. Your confidence in me inspires me to work harder for our community and to persevere).   I am accepting the award for all those who I am working with in this – we are the Church in the Community and the Community in the Church; this is our achievement.  I am very grateful to the many people who are an inspiration to me and who have encouraged and led me into the work that we are doing to restore and build our community. The last ten years has done a huge amount of damage to our country and we are trying to find a way forward out of the mess. So much of scripture tells us about God returning His people , bringing them home. I believe that God is doing mighty things in our midst as He heals our nation, and it’s exciting to be part of this.

May God bless each one of you and may we continue to find ways to serve God through serving others.

From one who serves as a Deacon among you!

Fr Andrew.


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