Grace and peace to you from God our Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
We thank God for a peaceful election and pray that it will continue so, as the new coalition Councils are formed and that under new leadership the municipalities may begin to improve.
We pray for every citizen of the Kingdom of God to deepen their understanding of the role we play as Ambassadors to the world that we live in.
Ambassadors care for the place that they live in as if it were their own home, but don’t take on citizenship of that country. Ambassadors are present to show their host that there is another way. Our home is the Kingdom of heaven, and our lives are lived here so that, the Kingdom may be experienced here on earth. This role of ambassador is not imperialist in nature, the Ambassador isn’t turning the other country into their own but responds to situations in the “way of the Kingdom.” When faced with a challenge the ambassador says – “in my country we would do this.” As we walk through life, we are to bring into each situation a bit of light from and of the Kingdom. Where mercy is shown, where humility is a way of life, where dedication to building up not breaking down is the basis for every conversation. I confess it is easy to get into a negative frame of mind these days, and to be just another complaining voice amongst all the other complaining voices. But let us repent of that and give ourselves to hope, faith and love and let us seek to live with joy.
Christ invites us to walk the streets of earth the way that He did. Bringing healing and hope and happiness, restoring sight, helping people to stand on their own two feet and walk again, challenging their self-righteousness which always leads to selfishness and restoring the dignity of all. Today let us give our-selves to community upliftment.
Affording people dignity is the most important facet of upliftment. Honour one another in the Lord. Treat everyone with respect and grow in love for one another.
May the Spirit of God be at work in you and may the Kingdom of God come on earth as it is in heaven.
Let us pray.
Almighty God, you proclaim your truth in every age by many voices: direct those who speak where many listen, those who write what many read and those who influence what many see: that they do their part in making the heart of this people wise, its mind sound and its will righteous, to the honour of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Andrew