From The Rector's Desk

From the Rector’s Desk – 8 October 2021

Grace and peace to you.

I write this as I prepare to meet with our new Bishop on the 8th and 13th at Trustees and Chapter. I ask for your prayers as we cross the Rubicon.

In my youth I rode a bicycle, and sometimes, probably because of a crash, the gear mechanism shifted and the chain would repeatedly come off the cogs. You’d be riding along full speed and suddenly there was nothing as the chain jumped the tracks. Well, I feel like I am riding that bike again. Uphill! But we continue to seek the goodness of God and His grace which is sufficient for us. 

We continue to give thanks for the Saints who went before us and showed us that life must be lived, and God will take glory in it. As we face our challenges may our God strengthen us and encourage us in all we do. Our life in Christ is not like climbing a ladder higher and higher, it is like diving, deeper and deeper, becoming more and more reliant on our oxygen tanks and the lights to see the way. (The breath of God, His Spirit and the word of God, the light of the world).  But there is a new beauty in the depths of the Ocean of life that cannot even be imagined on the surface of superficial living. Like in the depths of the sea, there are creatures of God’s creation, made majestic and beautiful though the average person will never see them. So in the depths of the darkness of our time, remember that we walk in darkness but we have seen the light and we journey on towards the full illumination of our Saviour Jesus the Christ the Saviour of the world.

Believe it or not, I opened the 2022 Calendar and starting some planning for next year. My prayer is that we will grow in fellowship, wisdom, grace, and peace as we continue to journey together. We have some interesting plans to help equip the people of God to live in and by the Spirit of God, so that each of us may be better disciples of Jesus.

I want to remind us of our commitment to Anglican Spirituality.  (Catechism 82 The duty of all Christians)

* Daily Prayer

* Daily reading of the Bible

* Frequent participation in the Eucharist

* Follow Jesus’s Example in daily life

* Speak openly about Jesus as the Lord whom you know

* work for justice and reconciliation

* uphold Christian standards in marriage

* Bring up children to love and serve the Lord

* give money for the work of the Church (tithe)

* give personal service to Church and neighbour

* let your life be marked by Simplicity.

Be assured of my prayers as you seek to live out your calling in community.

Fr. Andrew

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