Grace and Peace from God our Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
I feel like my biblical friends who walked with the Angel in the Fiery Furnace! Praise God we too have endured and hopefully the cooler weather will soon make everyday life a less sweaty affair. Let us pray for those further north who are at risk from the latest cyclone.
I thank you all for your understanding last Sunday and we will reschedule Vestry for the 20th of February at 09h00. We did not have sufficient nominations for Council, and this gives us time to resolve that.
We need sufficient nominations to constitute a Parish Council; Three Wardens and 5 Councillors. This council is critical to the life of the Church and will be instrumental in what is taken to Synod this year. We as Parishes need to rise to the challenge of leadership and serve God diligently in the work entrusted to us as His Church. I pray that God will move the hearts of His people to be faithful in this matter.
Sunday School will be starting up shortly and we need Sunday School teachers, please speak to Rev Peta in this regard. Confirmation Classes are also starting soon so please read the Church Notices carefully and let’s make this work.
You will notice on your arrival that Good Shepherd looks a little different inside. We have opened the sliding door – which required a building crew with special equipment to get right! This is to increase the Church area to accommodate more people and still maintain social distancing inside the church. It is important that we have that option since we are allowed bigger gatherings as long as the building is big enough. There is one wall that still must be built to seal the St John’s Hall off from the church – bear with me as we get that done.
As we journey on into an uncertain future, let us hold unswervingly to our Baptismal promises and accept the Grace that God has given us, and our adoption as Children of Most High God, dearly loved and favoured.
Be assured of my Prayers.