From The Rector's Desk

From the Rector’s Desk – Second Friday in Eastertide – 24 April 2020

Christ is risen!

Today we enter life with a whole new perspective, a different way of life awaits us. But the same way of living is ours who live in Christ and with Christ and through Christ. A way of trust in Him who has conquered the grave.

Three years ago, on the first of April 2017 I wrote this in our Pew Bulletin.

“I know that there is great uncertainty in our Country. When I woke up on Friday morning I knew that it was a different country that I was waking up to: but as I am so often reminded when walking on the beach (which I wish I had been able to do on Friday Morning) but I am reminded that although the beach looks different every day, it is the same sand and the same water and that there is a consistency even in the turmoil of every aspect of life. Our hope is not in the ANC, or the Finance Minister or the strength of the Rand. Our treasure is not freedom or democracy, our life is in Christ and we are Ambassadors to this world. We hold onto our Kingdom values and we uphold them, even in this foreign land. Our Kingdom “currency” is not fickle, nor dependent on events around us. Our Kingdom currency does not trade in percentage points. The Kingdom currency of love is solid. “For I am certain that nothing can separate us from His love, neither death nor life, neither angles nor other heavenly rulers or powers, neither the present nor the future, neither the world above nor the world below – there is nothing in all of creation that will ever be able to separate us from the LOVE of God which is ours through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Rom 8:38,39). 

We live in troubled times AND God is with us. His word warns us and teaches us and calls us to cling to Him for we are in Him and we abide with Him and we live through Him. Therefore – we are more than Conquerors.”

It seems the more things change the more they stay the same.

I refer to this, because as I read it, I thought, what happened on Friday 1 April 2017 that made me acknowledge that the world had just become a different world. We live in that world now and yes it changed but we overcame whatever the life changing circumstances of that day were. Our God is faithful! 

Last night we were given a very clear guideline for our future. 5 levels, 5 sets of circumstances that will be determined at National and Local Level. And the lifestyle that we will need to adopt in our own lives according to those levels. I continue to give thanks to God for our President who is showing incredible leadership. We regularly pray:

“we pray for those who have responsibility among the nations that ruling with wisdom and justice, they may promote peace and wellbeing in the world.” 

To hear our president say “I acknowledge your sacrifice, made for the good of others, I acknowledge your exemplary courage Africa showing the world that we are a special people.” This is good, but it is even more wonderful that he seeks God’s blessing over us.” 

We must be fervent in our prayer:

“God bless your world, that Jesus came to save. Protect us from the negative impacts of COVID 19 and empower us to use aright this time to reorder our lives to live in peace and justice with mercy to life in hope of your salvation and to share that hope with the world!”

For you who will be called back to work in these difficult circumstance, go with God! To you who remain in lockdown, stay with Christ. To this who are living in uncertainty, rest in the power of the Glory Spirit, who is groaning to God on your behalf and interceding for you.

It is very clear that the work of the Church, in this season especially, is not to provide a place of worship but to, equip the saints (that’s you) to live out the God given role that you are called to play as we reorder the fabric of our economy and society. It is not the church building or structure that we are rebuilding it is the worshipping community who are at the forefront of rebuilding the world, as in heaven so on earth.

So, go into the world in peace to love and serve the Lord! Go as ambassadors of the loving Christ!

The stone was rolled away, the grave is empty, and the risen Christ lives in you! Alleluia!

Be assured of my prayers!


2nd Friday of Easter 2020

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