From The Rector's Desk

From the Rector’s Desk – St Barnabas – 12 June 2020

Lord God
your Son Jesus Christ has taught us that it is more blessed to give than to receive;
help us by the example of your apostle St Barnabas to be generous in our judgements and unselfish in our service: through Jesus Christ our Lord.
(APB 300)

The Disciples of Jesus faced great opposition and many challenges in their ministry, but they continued to preach the cross of Jesus as the salvation for the world. They continued to inspire communities to give up the ways of the world and follow the way of Christ. Central to that way was the gospel imperative to love others and put them first. When things got more difficult the followers of Jesus carried the heavy burden of the cross and remained faithful to Christ.

We sit in a difficult situation because unlike other diseases where the fear is contracting the disease, the problem with COVID 19 is the potential to be a carrier. As I said at the two training sessions I did this week, I don’t wear the mask and the visor and use the sanitizer to protect me, I use it to protect others. In KZN I am told that there are many asymptomatic people, and it is true that many people will contract the virus and not get sick or at least get well, but it is for the sake of the infirm, the aged and the vulnerable that we sacrifice our own liberty. All around us we see that people are fighting against this demand on them. It is a demand to sacrifice for the sake of others, something that Christians should be well versed with. Our challenge is to ask, what does that sacrifice look like? What am I prepared to go without, do without, for the benefit of another.

This week the church has a number of meetings to discuss the way forward. I ask you to uphold the leadership in your prayers.

May God continue to bless you abundantly.

Choose Faith not Fear


Feast of St Barnabas

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