Preparing for Next Week
Has Lent felt long for you this year, or has it gone by quickly? What have been the graces for you? Do you feel more grounded or closer to God? What prayer, fasting, or almsgiving disciplines have been fruitful for you this season?
Tomorrow is Palm Sunday, the beginning of the holiest week of the year for Christians. As a kid, I only thought of this period as “the week before Easter,” and I looked forward to finding our Easter baskets full of sweets the next Sunday. I was oblivious to the week’s religious underpinnings and especially unaware of the emotional intensity of the scripture readings and the commemoration of Jesus’ passion and death.
After what has been an intense year on so many other levels, the prospect of moving into an emotional Holy Week might tempt us to skip right over it to Easter Sunday. God understands our weariness and has compassion for us in whatever state we find ourselves in now. At the same time, gifts and graces are waiting for us if we are willing to pray and reflect on Jesus’ time of suffering this coming week.
Do what you need to do today to find a bit of rest or to nourish yourself in a special way before entering Holy Week tomorrow.Perhaps you will want to take a nap, or enjoy a cup of your favourite coffee, or go for a walk with a loved one. Whatever feels appealing to you might just be how God wants to offer you special care tonight.