An online meditation.

Introduction and Welcome from our Rector, Revd. Andrew Manning.
Good day,
I greet you on this Friday, as we come before God on what we call Good Friday, the day that we commemorate the passion of Jesus Christ and the saving grace of God, who through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, brought salvation to the world.
As part of our 2021 Good Friday commemorations; we are going to have fourteen meditations known as the Stations of the Cross.
Now, these are not just fourteen incidents that happened on that Passover weekend; these are fourteen key steps in the way of the cross. As we go through each meditation, we are not just thinking about what happened to Jesus, but how these events in Jesus’ life impact upon us, how they are replicated in our lives, how they bear meaning in our daily walk, and so good people, as we are called to follow Jesus in the way of the cross, we acknowledge that these fourteen steps are part of our journey with Christ and in Christ and through Christ.
And my prayer for you is that as you meditate on these fourteen stations, that our Lord Jesus Christ will speak to you afresh; that the events of His passion, condemnation to death, crucifixion, and being laid in the tomb – how they will speak to you and guide your thoughts and guide your hearts to prepare yourself for the resurrection.
And so, may God speak to you through these stations this Good Friday.
And the blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit be upon you now and always.
Revd Andrew Manning
Introduction to the Stations of the Cross
We gather on this day as Christians united in prayer. In the midst of our busy lives we pause to pray as we reflect on the suffering journey of Christ.
As we accompany Jesus on his journey to Calvary, let us take a moment to remember how difficult that journey was. He carried his cross through the narrow crowded streets of Jerusalem. It was Passover time and so the city was full of people, many of whom mocked, jostled and took pleasure in watching as Jesus struggled with his heavy burden. The way was often steep. The journey that Jesus made on that day remains a symbol of Christianity in the world, as it struggles with its own crosses and failures, and the challenges of modern life. The streets of our towns are filled with people who carry their personal crosses, who are bruised, battered and broken. Through these Stations of the Cross, Jesus is inviting us to journey with him and to reflect on his suffering as it continues in the lives of his people. In solidarity with all who suffer, let us pray that we will be open to whatever he wants us to see, hear and understand.
Opening Prayer
Heavenly Father,
we come to you in the midst of fear and struggle.
Calm our anxious hearts, and give hope to all who despair.
Lord Jesus Christ, bearer of our sins, healer of our every ill,
walk with us through our trials, through our darkest hours.
Open our hearts to the hope offered by the mystery of your dying and rising.
Holy Spirit, breath of life, bringer of truth,
plant your word deep within us.
Let the story of your passion
inspire us anew to walk our path of discipleship.
We pray this through Christ our Lord.
Helpful hint: Please take your time and enter of the stations at your own time and in any order you like. Spend as much time as you need. To go to one of the stations, you can click on the picture and this will take you to the page for that station, which will have a picture, prayers, and homilies/reflections on that station. When you are finished at a station, click the button to go to the next station or to go back to this main page.
Below is links to all the stations, you can follow the red links to each page.

Jesus is condemned to death

Jesus receives his cross

Jesus falls the first time

Jesus meets His mother

The cross is laid on Simon of Cyrene

Veronica wipes Jesus face

Jesus falls a second time

Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem

Jesus falls the third time

Jesus is stripped of his garments

Jesus is nailed to the cross

Jesus dies on the cross

Jesus is laid in the Sepulchre

Jesus rises from the dead
All the images of the stations on this page and following pages is the copyright of
Some of the prayers are by Zack Stachowski – TWENTY-THIRD PUBLICATIONS
Other Prayers from the combined Preachers of St Marys and The Good Shepherd
All the Meditations are from the combined Preachers of
St Mary’s, Kingsburgh, The Good Shepherd, Amanzimtoti & All Saints, Bellair, with St Marks Chapelry Hillary
General Reflections by Vanda Chittenden