Daily Reflections

Reflecting on Acts 4:32 – 5:14

Differences of opinion are inevitable among human personalities and can actually be helpful, if handled well. But spiritual unity is essential, loyalty, commitment, and love for God and his Word. Without Spiritual unity, the church could not survive. The letter of 1 Corinthians was written by Paul specifically to urge the church in Corinth towards greater unity.

Here we see both internal and external problems facing the early church. Inside the church were dishonesty, greed, and administrative headaches. Outside the church was pressure from persecution. While church leaders were careful and sensitive in dealing with the internal problems, they could not do much to prevent the external pressures. Through it all, the leaders kept their focus on what was most important, spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Even after the Holy Spirit had come, the believers were not immune to Satan’s temptations. Although Satan was defeated by Christ at the cross, he was still actively trying to make the believers stumble, as he still does today. Satan’s overthrow is inevitable, but it will not occur until the last days, when Christ returns to judge the world.

So, what makes Christianity attractive?

People were attracted to the early church by expressions of God’s power at work, by the generosity, sincerity, honesty, and unity of the members, and by the character and wisdom of the leaders. Today it is easy to be drawn to churches because of programs, eloquent speakers, beautiful facilities, or preferred styles of worship.

Meditation Prompt:

Have our standards slipped? God wants to add believers to his church and help them grow deep in their faith so they can go out and serve the world.

Are we keeping the bigger picture in mind regardless of its size or the talents of its members?