From The Rector's Desk

From The Rector’s Desk

The Lord be with you.

What a truly wonderful service we had with Bishop Tsietsi for our Confirmation, congratulations to all who were confirmed.

Bishop was exceptionally complimentary of the people of our parish, and affirmed my reasons to be proud of you all. May we continue to go from strength to strength. Thank you to Good Shepherd for hosting us.

I really encourage those who didn’t attend, to make an effort to attend these combined services, it is a truly uplifting and encouraging experience. I must admit, that I am surprised that Galleria is not too far for shopping but Good Shepherd is too far for Church, (just saying).

Our Confirmands all committed to being involved in the life of the parish this coming year in ways as diverse as joining the music team, to assisting with the logistics and exploring their vocation and discovering what ministry God is calling them to.

I remind you, that we are the fellowship of the “priesthood of all believers” and mature Christians are called to ministry!

Please support these people as they seek to serve God with all their heart and all their soul and all their strength.

Be assured of my prayers as we continue to seek to be faithful to God in our times and do His will in every aspect of our lives.

So let us (in the word of Ecclesiasticus 50: 22-24

“And now bless God of all things, the doer of great deeds everywhere, who has exulted our days from the womb and has acted mercifully towards us. May He grant us cheerful hearts and bring peace in our time, in Israel for ages and ages. May His mercy be faithfully with us, may He redeem us in our own times!”

Yours in Christ.

Fr. Andrew Manning

From The Rector's Desk

From The Rector’s Desk

The Lord be with you!

It is indeed a wonderful privilege to be able to welcome Bishop Tsietsi Seleone and his wife Rachel, to our parishes. We thank them for their time here with us.

I have had the joy of journeying with our group of confirmands over the last year and it is wonderful to be able to present them for confirmation. My prayer is that they will continue to seek God with all their heart, soul and strength every day and all of their lives.

On Thursday, as we commemorated the martyrs and confessors of our time, we were reminded of how God calls every generation to stand firm in faith. We don’t know how history will remember us, but we do know that God has placed us here to do battle with the evil of our time and to keep the faith in this world of competing claims of truth.

As we stand as a Church and confess our Faith in God the Creator, Jesus our redeemer and the Holy Spirit, the power of God lives in us and gives us life; we all recommit ourselves to the ministry of reconciliation.

Faithfulness to God is our primary calling, because a desire to be faithful leads us to a desire to deepen our understanding of God and ourselves and our relationship. To strive to be faithful means to seek to do God’s will in every aspect of our lives. A desire to be faithful leads us to trust God, and to seek His blessing over our lives. Faithfulness must be lived in love. That’s the difference between works and grace. If we accept God’s grace, then we accept love.

Therefore, my brothers and sisters in Christ, let us love one another, as Christ loves us and live in faith, the assurance of things not yet seen.

Be confident in your walk with God, and live for the kingdom, for this is your true vocation. All other things must serve this one goal, to be faithful to God.

Be assured of my love and prayers.
