2024 · Daily Reflections

Ember Day Reflection: Answering the Call

Today, as we observe Ember Day in the Anglican Church, we are called to reflect on and pray for those journeying towards ordination, discerning their vocation, and all who serve in ordained ministry. It is a moment to contemplate the sacredness of ministry and the divine call that brings people forward to serve the Church.

The collect for today speaks directly to this journey. It reminds us of our shared calling in the ministry of Christ, our Great High Priest. As the prayer says: “Heavenly Father, you have entrusted to your Church a share in the ministry of your Son, our great High Priest: call many through your Holy Spirit into the ordained ministry of your Church and inspire them to respond to your call.”

In my own path to ordination, this collect resonates deeply. The process of discernment, study, and preparation has been one of listening—listening for the voice of the Spirit and the community, and allowing that call to shape my journey. The experience has been humbling, a reminder that this path is not about my own desires but about responding faithfully to God’s call, just as Christ responded to the Father in service and sacrifice.

As I approach my ordination as a deacon, I am increasingly aware of the immense trust placed upon those who are called to serve the Church. I reflect on the support I have received from my parishes, my family, and those who have walked this journey with me. Their prayers, encouragement, and companionship have been a testament to the interconnectedness of the Body of Christ, where no vocation exists in isolation.

For those discerning a call to the ordained ministry, I pray that they may have the courage to embrace the uncertainty and joy of this journey. May they find strength in their communities, wisdom in their theological studies, and peace in the knowledge that they are not alone in their discernment. Theological colleges, such as my own College of the Transfiguration, play a vital role in shaping and equipping those who will go on to serve. The formation process, both academic and spiritual, grounds us in the tradition of the Church while opening us to the work of the Spirit.

For those already ordained, may today serve as a reminder of the sacred trust they hold. The ordination vows are not just words but a lifelong commitment to serve Christ and His Church with humility, love, and perseverance. In a world that is ever-changing and in need of hope, the ministry of the ordained remains a beacon of God’s unchanging grace and mercy.

On this Ember Day, let us hold in prayer those who are about to be ordained, those discerning their vocation, and all who serve Christ through their ordained ministry. May we all, whether ordained or lay, remember that we are each called to a life of service, following the example of Christ, who gave everything for the sake of God’s Kingdom.

May the Holy Spirit inspire us, as the collect asks, to respond to God’s call—whether in ordained ministry or in our everyday lives—and to live out that calling faithfully.

Grace and Peace


From The Rector's Desk

From the Rector’s Desk – Trinity Sunday 2020

The thief comes to rob and destroy but I have come that you may have life! (Jesus)
Uncertainty is a thief of energy and motivation and success. Two weeks ago, I had more clarity about what we were trying to do then I have now, and the last week has derailed a process that we were on together. The emerging reality is becoming less clear each day and the demands on us as we attempt to everyday things have made life very stressful and everything takes so much longer.

I am sure that all of you who have returned to work are suffering from this, and the news is not helping as we really don’t know what is going on at present. Instead of gaining consensus on the way forward we seem to be all over the place.

Interruptions are also nightmarish. One problem with WhatsApp is that it is instant messaging and people expect an instant response, no matter that you are doing something else, no matter that a response requires thought… they want an answer!
This therefore is a time for us to show leadership, and to assist each other to navigate these difficult waters.

I share with you 10 tips I received this week on dealing with stress: (Carey Niewhof)

  1. Tell Someone
    We are afraid of being a burden, but it is essential that we build relationships, that enable us to tell someone. I’m telling you that these are difficult times and I need your prayers. It’s really easy to just send me a WhatsApp and say – Please pray for me.
  2. Develop A Circle Around You
    This is critical, and it would be better if prayer circles are created by you than forced upon you. In the weeks ahead we will be helping to facilitate this.
  3. Keep Leaning into God
    Develop your prayer patterns. Morning and Evening prayers are available on Zoom and we have a 7pm prayer topic each night on WhatsApp. We also supply a reading plan for you to follow a structured reading of Scripture.
  4. Rest
    Do it yourself or it will be forced upon you. You don’t want to end up in a heap like I did on Thursday. Get enough rest.
  5. Find Something To Take Your Attention Away From Your Pain
    Developing new pastimes may be necessary and walking is probably the best plan at present. Walking helps clear the head and revive the soul.
  6. Don’t Make Any Big Decisions
    Definitely. With all the uncertainty take it day by day.
  7. Grieve Your Losses
    There are many things that you have lost during this time. Process this. Deal with the denial and the anger and the wishing it was different. If you don’t process your loss, it will consume you.
  8. Reopen Your Heart
    It’s hard to be vulnerable. But you need to reach out in love and as I’ve said before start with those you already love and work in ever increasing circles till you are able to love the “unlovable”
  9. Live Today In A Way That Will Help You Thrive Tomorrow.
    Although you are not making plans for the future, still live for it! Make today count and we will build a better future moment by moment.
  10. Believe The Gospel
    Jesus is the way and the truth and the life. Don’t let your relationship with God be built on your circumstances, build your life on the promises of God.

As a Parish we are developing new and innovative ways to support you and those whom you love and care about.

Be assured of our prayers.

Choose faith not fear.
Ember Day 2020

Church Chatter · Prayers & Collects

Ember Day 12 December 2018

What are Ember Days?

On these days prayer is offered for those to be ordained at this time, for vocations to the ordained ministry, for theological colleges and those preparing for ordination, and for all serving in the ordained ministry. (APB. 331)

Ember collect.

Please pray today for Fr. Andrew Manning and Revd Peta May. And also or all other Priests and Deacons of God’s Church. And for all those that are preparing themselves for ordination.

Eternal Father,

through your Holy Spirit you have appointed many ministries in the Church: bless those called to be deacons, priests and bishops, maintain them in your truth, renew them in your holiness and make them your ever-faithful servants; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


The Readings:

  • Isaiah 61: 1-6b
  • Psalm 132: 1-9
  • Acts: 20: 28-35
  • Canticle 13
  • Luke 4: 16-21