When Paul, a devout Jew who had at first persecuted the Christians, became a believer, God used him to spread the gospel throughout the world. Although he was a prisoner, Paul did eventually preach in Rome.
Paul humbly calls himself a servant of Christ Jesus and an apostle (“one who is sent”) For a roman citizen to choose to be a servant was unthinkable. But Paul chose to be completely dependent on and obedient to his beloved master.
When we serve and obey Jesus, we become useful and usable servants to do his vital work. Obedience begins as we renounce other masters, identify ourselves with Jesus, discover his will and live according to it, and consciously turn away from all conflicting interests.
Christians have a great privilege along with great responsibility. Paul and the apostles received the privilege of sharing the Good News, the message of forgiveness for sin and new life in Jesus. Paul considered it a gift. But this privilege also comes with a responsibility of sharing this message.
God graciously forgives our sins when we believe in him as Lord. This begins the journey of new life in Jesus. Paul’s new life also involved a divine assignment: to witness as a missionary about God’s good news to the world.
You may not be sent to a foreign country, but you are called to be Christ’s ambassador and to witness to the changed life that Jesus Christ has begun in you.
You can be a witness to your own family or even to your next door neighbours.