
Lord, I give you my heart and my lunch!

16 April 2021

We continue with our Gospel meditations. Today we focus on the feeding of the 5000.  You can read John 6:1-15. Allow these prompts to lead you in a conversation with Jesus (prayer) and learn from him, be challenged by what Jesus is saying to you in your circumstances and your life. Which character in the story are you most like? The unmentioned disciples? Philip? The boy who gave up his lunch? The crowd? What does God want to shift in your life today? May God bless you as you allow God’s word to move your hearts mind today.

Imagine sitting with Jesus on the hill side and you see thousands of people appearing. What goes through your mind when you see a mob coming your way? Hold that thought!

Jesus looks up and says – “let’s feed them! “ Let’s meet their most basic need, let’s provide for them and care for them. “the disciples respond just like we would – ‘No ways Lord that would not be possible!”

What does Jesus see that we don’t? What is Jesus doing in this account? The meal does not have a lasting physical impact on the crowd, they would be hungry again the next day, so why feed them?

You are sitting with Jesus looking out at life. There is a mob out there, and they are looking for an easy way out of their problems, they seek to make a King of their religion so that their troubles will be less.

Jesus points them straight back to reliance on God. He uses an example from history, to teach people that man does not live on bread alone. God, through Moses gave them Manana in the wilderness and sustained them in their circumstances. Jesus is the bread of life – here Jesus teaches a spiritual lesson in a physical action. The feeding was not an earthly thing – it was a heavenly thing. Jesus did not use the disciples ‘years wages’ he used the humble offering of a child.

You are sitting with Jesus looking out at a mob – hungry for justice, hungry for equity, hungry for love! And Jesus says – where is the bread to feed them – because he knows what he is going to do (vs6) he is testing us.

Jesus is looking at us wondering if we will bring our loaf of bread and offer it to Him – Jesus took the bread and he blessed and broke it. Are you giving him your offering, little as it may be, are you identifying your blessings and offering it back to God?

Jesus is the Saviour; Jesus is saving the world but wants you to be part of what he is doing. What are you giving to God today that he may be glorified?

let us pray!

Lord God, we offer ourselves to you as living sacrifices, give us the courage to offer you our all, for everything we have comes from you and of your own do we give you.

Take us, bless us, break us and give us, that the world may know that there is a God who loves them.

Amen. Alleluia!