Church Chatter · Prayers & Collects

Ember Day 12 December 2018

What are Ember Days?

On these days prayer is offered for those to be ordained at this time, for vocations to the ordained ministry, for theological colleges and those preparing for ordination, and for all serving in the ordained ministry. (APB. 331)

Ember collect.

Please pray today for Fr. Andrew Manning and Revd Peta May. And also or all other Priests and Deacons of God’s Church. And for all those that are preparing themselves for ordination.

Eternal Father,

through your Holy Spirit you have appointed many ministries in the Church: bless those called to be deacons, priests and bishops, maintain them in your truth, renew them in your holiness and make them your ever-faithful servants; through Jesus Christ our Lord.


The Readings:

  • Isaiah 61: 1-6b
  • Psalm 132: 1-9
  • Acts: 20: 28-35
  • Canticle 13
  • Luke 4: 16-21