Grace and peace to you from God our Father and His Son Jesus Christ.
In the words of St Paul to the Colossians:
“We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard about your faith in Christ Jesus and your love for all the saints— the faith and love proceeding from the hope stored up for you in heaven, of which you have already heard in the word of truth, the gospel that has come to you. All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing.” (Col 1:3-6a).
Sometimes we forget that the impact of our faith, is not always visible, but is always significant. Our faith, though small, is used by God to continue His good work in the world through all
circumstances. Scripture says that even when we are faithless, He is faithful (2Tim 2 :13). God uses every ‘act’ of ours to grow His kingdom and achieve his purposes. Therefore, let us
recommit ourselves to the good works that he has prepared in advance for us to do. (Eph 2:10).
I thank God for you and for your prayers, for me and for the people of God. In this last month I have been reminded just how much the prayers of the faithful sustain us, and I thank God that he has called us to bear one another’s burden’s (Eph 4:2).
Let us therefore not grow weary of this ministry to one another, especially when so many people are experiencing so much loss, death and illness.
I pray for all of those who are recovering, it is a long slow road and when we are weary, it is a blessing to know that there are people who love us and uphold us in prayer.
2022 will demand a lot of us, but we look to our Saviour to provide us with the wisdom and the strength to endure. I think of all the learners awaiting their matric results, all those in the process of applying for university, and those who will be starting a new season of their education in a new school this year. Make every effort to apply yourselves fully to these opportunities given to you.
I pray for those whom God is calling to Parish Leadership. For Church Wardens, Church
Councillors and Lay Ministers. God has given various gifts to various people, all for the
edification of His body the Church, and as we seek to use these gifts, may God’s Church be strengthened.
I thank you all for the opportunity afforded me to fully recuperate before returning to work (on the 17th). This rest has been essential to me and to the reordering of my own life and ministry.
Be assured of my love and prayers for you all.