COVID-19 · From The Rector's Desk

At the end of the Day -(Elizabeth Paul) Wed 13 May 2020

Our president addressed us tonight and you could see the strain that he is under. This is a difficult phase of the management of the mitigation of the Pandemic, as it appears like not much is happening, but actually a great deal is happening. I feel it here in the Parish too. The contingency plans that we have put in place need to settle into a new normal, but changes need to be made. The novelty of things is wearing off, but the acceptance of the changes is not yet achieved. The masks are uncomfortable, the people are irritable, the anticipation of change is there, but the change is not yet taking shape. And still no end is in sight. I want to encourage you tonight to take authority over your life and have a personal plan for the rest of May and for the prospect of Level 3. What are you going to do to manage the impact of COVID 19 on your life? What changes are you going to make, how are you going to be part of the solution? We are going to have to make some big decisions as a community. We are going to have to work together, pick our battles together, walk in tune with God’s Spirit together.

I am appealing to you to look carefully at the mitigation plans that we as a Parish are putting in place to assist our community and to participate. Do not sit on the side-lines and watch this happen. Engage, challenge, discuss and be part of building a new way of life for us all. The Church is the community of believers, we have a responsibility to God and to the Nation to be at work and make a positive, Holy Spirit led and empowered path in the wilderness. We need to look at creating opportunities, developing new ways of caring for each other, managing ourselves better.

Again, I say we are building a community of Kingdom people, a holy nation of godly people who will do his work in this place.  We are building a ministry team, not a congregation. Everything you do is holy. Be Holy, says the Lord for I the Lord your God am Holy.  

Be assured of my prayers for you all.

Choose Faith, not fear.


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